I'm updating some of the legacy software we have at my company and
changing much of the JavaScript to jQuery.  I'm having a bit of
trouble with a few particular id's however.

I'm trying to access the last select element of a block of code and
retrieve the id like this:

$("#itemForm:standards select:last").attr("id");

itemForm:standards is the id of the block I'm attempting to access,
and I'm using select:last to get the last select element.  This
doesn't work however.  I tried the same method, but used the class
name rather than the id and the function worked fine.

$(".standardsBlock select:last").attr("id");

I may be mistaken, but I think jQuery thinks I'm attempting to apply a
selector to the id name because of the colon in the name.  How would I
go about searching for an id like that?  Has anyone had any trouble
with this before?

Any help would be much appreciated.

-- npetcu

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