
On my blog, I have a list of the last 5 messages posted. It's a
<ul><li>post #5</li><li>post #4</li>etc...</ul> list.

I'd like to display a "<< previous messages" link on the bottom of
that list, that - when clicked - would display the 5 previous
messages, etc.

So I use jCarousel to do that, and it works well... except for 1
point : sometimes the title of the post is 1-line long, sometimes it's
2-line long, so that I can't know how long is the list of 5 posts !

So I'v tried to scroll this list horizontally, instead of
vertically... but then I'm only able to scroll 1 post per 1 post.

So here is what I'd like : I'd like to have a list like that :
   <li>Post 1</li>
   <li>Post 2</li>
   <li>Post 3</li>
   <li>Post 4</li>
   <li>Post 5</li>
And scroll it horizontally (so that it would have a fixed width, but a
fluide height)... Is this possible using jCarousel ? Or will I have to
try another script ? But which one ?

Thanx in advance.

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