dear members, new on the whole jquery thingie, and need help on for the follwing:
I want to refresh a dive that contains a php query. It has to refresh every 3 seconds. What i see is that the follwing code isnt correct. it also starts $(document).ready... twice... it has to be wrong, but what do i have to make it. please help :'( <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#fileUpload3").fileUpload({ 'uploader': '/CMS/scripts/uploader.swf', 'cancelImg': '/CMS/images/cancel.png', 'folder': '/CMS/gallery/<?php echo "$_POST[gallerijnaam]" ?>', 'script': 'actie.php', 'buttonImg': '/CMS/images/selecteerfotos.gif', 'height': '30', 'width': '340', 'fileDesc': 'Image Files', 'fileExt': '*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png', 'multi': true, 'auto': true }); $("").fancybox({ 'zoomSpeedIn': 300, 'zoomSpeedOut': 300, 'overlayShow': false }); }); function refreshRecordsDiv() { $("records").fadeOut("slow"); $("records").fadeIn("slow"); setTimeout("refreshRecordsDiv();", 3000); } $(document).ready(function() { setTimeout("refreshRecordsDiv();", 3000); }