
First of all, I wanted to thank you guys since you always help me out

Second, about my problem.. I'm trying to write some jquery code here,
but I've been stuck with it for days.
What i want to do is a sort of finder-like (on mac) menu. Goal is to
select a category. But, categories can be very deep, so i want to add
some animation.

Now, so far, I've got:
one big ul that is transformed into nice lists
when an item is clicked, it opens up subcategories (if there are)
and some layout changes

but, however. As you can see if you test it out, there is some serious
strange behavior going on..

If you follow the path: 'follow' you'll see what i mean, as soon as
you click somewhere else.
The goal is that there are always a maximum of 4 columns visible. If
there are 5 one hides. If there are 3, the fourth one shows (if there
is any). Etc.. Now, i thought this seems pretty logical and easy, but
I'm really, really stuck with it.

Currently the page is at: http://bucee.xapss.com/category.html

Thanks a lot!

Could you help me out? Really, really thanks in advance! Maybe i could
turn it into a plugin after, if this works it seems kinda neat i

Thanks in advance!

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