[jQuery] How do I extract a part of received data

2009-09-17 Thread Frederik
I explain... I try to load only a part of my data file (named Elements.html). It will load all the data file with var elem = $('#section_news', data); Here is my code $.get("Elements.html", function(data){ // get id section_news for the receive data var elem = $('#section_news', data);

[jQuery] How do I extract a part of received data

2009-09-17 Thread Frederik
I explain... I try to load only a part of my data file (named Elements.html). It will load all the data file with var elem = $(data); I am unable to load only a section of this file if I use var elem = $('#section_news', data); Could you please help me find out what part of my code is inco

[jQuery] How do I extract a part of received data

2009-09-17 Thread Frederik
I explain... I try to load only a part of my data file (named Elements.html). It will load all the data file with var elem = $('#section_news', data); I am unable to load only a section of this file if I use var elem = $('#section_news', data); Could you please help me find out what part o