Hi all,

I have a table that I will usually want to focus the first input box
in the first column in the last row.  Something like this:

        <input> <-- selects this one
        <input type="hidden">

And I use this to do that part:

The problem is, in some cases, that input field is readonly, so I
don't want to select it.  I want to select the input in the next TD.
If an input is readonly, the parent TD has the "readonly" class.  I
tried the following, but they didn't work:
        $('tbody>tr:last-child>td:not([EMAIL PROTECTED]):first-
        $('tbody>tr:last-child>[EMAIL PROTECTED]):first-
        $('tbody>tr:last-child>td:not([EMAIL PROTECTED]"readonly"]):first-

I think the last one is close, but the parent TD could also have
another class.

Can anyone help?

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