Note: I'm new to Javascript...understand basics, but that's about all.

I designed a while back and it's a total
mess in terms of coding. It uses opencube's Tree Menu, which isn't
registered so on PC's there is a "unregistered" warning message that
pops up. I finally found a better menu solution with the SBD accordion
menu, originally developed for Joomla.

In attempting to implement the accordion menu within a tutorial I
found on the jquery site for an HTMLHttpRequest framework (to avoid
page reloads, my main goal with this project), I'm now running into
trouble when trying to call javascript gallery pages into my target

In a nutshell, I'm trying to use a Javascript menu, a javascript
framework to call pages, and a javascript image gallery and I have no
idea how to avoid Javascript conflicts which I believe are preventing
pages from loading.

Visit for a demo, note
that on the menu, clicking on the small CFA logo and then "Company"
will load "about.html" into my target DIV, and clicking on "FTP
Access" will load "ftp.html". However clicking on "Hospitality/Resort"
> "The Lodge & Spa at Shock Hill" is supposed to load "test.html" into
the target DIV but simply won't...I believe because test.html employs
the use of the 'Galleria' javascript image gallery (
4tnbv3) and causes the conflicts.


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