Here is the situation.  We have a form that has links and when the
user clicks on them it will submit the form.  The problem is that
sometimes the users were doubleclicking or clicking on different links
while the form was submitting.  I am completely new to jQuery but one
of the programmers implemented the solution below.  What it is doing
is binding a function that clears the onClick event when the link is
clicked.  It works great in firefox but it is causing IE to lock up.
I was thinking that somehow the timing is off and it is clearing the
current anchors onClick before it can process the whole thing..
(maybe??)  Below is the code.. any suggestions??

sak10625_disabler = function(){

   $("a, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]").attr("onClick",

        $("a").filter(function(){regexp=/submit\(\)/; return regexp.test($
(this).attr("onclick"));}).bind("click", sak10625_disabler);
   $("[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]").bind("click",

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