
I'm trying to write a custom parser to sort column 5 of this table:


Column 5 can contain both positive and negative numbers.  Negative 
numbers are supposed to be represented by enclosing the number in 
parenthesis (), and turning them red.  So I've created a custom parser 
named "parenNegative" which is designed to recognize such numbers and 
convert them to a sortable form.

Here's the code for the custom parser:

        id: "parenNegative",
        is: function(s) {
            $.tablesorter.log("at parenNegative");
            return /\(.*\)</.test(s);
        format: function(s) {
jQuery.tablesorter.formatFloat(s.replace(/\((.*\))</g, "-$1<"));
        type: "numeric"

And in pastie, in case it's formatted weird:


I put the parser in a custom version of jquery.tablesorter.js (named 
jquery.tablesorter_mtaco.js), which I call instead of 
jquery.tablesorter.js.  The custom version is identical to the original 
version, aside from having my new parser and some slightly modified 
logging statements.

I've verified that my custom version of  jquery.tablesorter.js  is what 
is being called.  To verify, I turned on debugging, and added a new word 
to one of the existing benchmark statements.

Unfortunately, my parser doesn't work, and I'm trying to figure out 
why.  I tried to put in some logging statements, such as the  
$.tablesorter.log("at parenNegative"); statement above.  However, none 
of the logging statements are ever raised when I reload the page.  I've 
tried the following:

$.tablesorter.benchmark("message", time);
log ("message");

I believe that the parser is being called because the debugging output 
lists the parenNegative parser for column 5.  (See screenshot).

Any suggestions?  Thanks!


<<inline: Picture 4.png>>

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