Hi everyone

I'm trying to write a function that will pass through the id of a
clicked element, and then use that id for spellchecking the word
that's been clicked on. However, although this seems to work, when i
click on another word, it returns the previous corrected word rather
than the new one - as if it's storing the same data all the time. I
was advised to unbind the event but that doesn't seem to work...

Here is my code - but let me quickly explain. First off, there is a
div with text in which has several "clickable" words which can be
altered by the user by means of a pop up tooltip with input box. If
the user types a word in and hits "save", the spell check will
activate (i.e. checkWordSpelling). I'm firstly unbinding the click
event, and then rebinding it for the next word - and although the
correct id is detected, the word that it's supposed to place there
after correcting is always the same one (i.e. the first one that was


$('#'+tooltipsavebtn).bind("click",{theid: id },function(e) {

var newval = $('#'+tooltipinput).val();
        spellchecked = false;
        pickedfromlist = false;


        var exists = false;
                        if (words[id][1][i] == newval){
                                exists = true;
                if(exists == false){

My spellcheck function initiates a dialog with a callback function:

function checkWordSpelling(id) { // opens and performs the spell check
        var theid = "#"+id;
        var $spellcheckthis = $(theid);

        var thetext = $spellcheckthis.text();

        var callback = function() {

                var correctedtext = $('#correctedText').text();

        var spellcheck = JQSpellCheckDialog.create({text : thetext},
callback, SpellCheckOptions);

the call back will take the contents of the dialog with the corrected
word and place it in place of the user entered word - at least, that's
what it's SUPPOSED to do...but like I say it seems to keep replacing
it with the first word all the time...

I hope I am explaining this ok...but if anyone needs more description
let me know. I would link to an example but due to data protection
from my company, it's a little difficult but if it's required for
anyone to actually be able to help me I'll see what I can do.

Thanks in advance,

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