Hello list.

Is there somebody here that could help me understand a strange thing
about IE rendering a Google Map inside of a modal overlay?

I've just put together a simple one-page website for a local event  at
http://www.krasnopolje.com (valid HTML and CSS). Clicking on the
'GoogleMaps' link with scripting enabled opens a modal window (I used
the SimpleModal plugin) and the map is drawn into it.

Now the IE mistery: the browser we all learned to curse won't draw the
images composing the map unless there is a rendered element in the
document body besides the main div (#container) where everything else
is. I had to put a paragraph with   on line 137 of the source:
without it every sane browser (FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome) would draw the
map as requested, only IE would draw the map background, the navigation
gadgets, the Google logo and all, but not the actual pictures that the
map is made of.

After some testing I found that the elements that trigger the correct
behaviour can be an empty paragraph (even without the  ), an empty
span, a single character or an empty anchor (a name=whatever); elements
that do not are non rendered stuff like script, style, floated elements
or those with display: none.

Does this make some sense to any of you?

Do not waste too much time about it... The site is already out and
working fine (and it was a pro-bono thing anyway). I'm just curious
what's going on with that paragraph.


Dejan Kozina Web design studio
Dolina 346 (TS) - I-34018 Italy
tel./fax: +39 040 228 436 - cell.: +39 348 7355 225 skype: dejankozina
http://www.kozina.com/  - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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