I am creating a plugin for my gallery. I am loading image on click of
a thumnail. thumnail's rel attribute contains the url of the larger
In my pluging i have a method to load the clicked image.

LoadSelectedImage = function(){
                var src = $('gallery li.on a').attr('rel');
                var img = new Image();
                $('#testing').css({opacity: .5});
                $(img).load(function () {
                        $(this).css({display: 'none'});
                        $('#testing').css({opacity: 1});
                }).error(function () {
                }).attr('src', src).attr('id','gallery_img_container');

but when this method runs on click of the thumbnail, the whole page
refreshes and the execution again start from
$('#gallery1').Gallery();      //start the Gallery plugin

please help me out.


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