I am trying to implement the Uploadify jQuery plugin...but am having
trouble calling the upload script specified in the "script"
parameter...This is due to the fact that i am using CakePHP, and the
"Pretty URLs" are breaking it. After some research through this forum,
i came across a post where someone was having a similar problem in
CodeIgniter...The solution was to strip the pagepath variable from the
uploadify script, to allow use of pretty urls...however i still cannot
get the script to find my upload script...

My jQuery function:

      'uploader': '/uploader.swf',
      'script': '/photos/upload',
      'folder': '/app/webroot/files',
      'cancelImg': '/img/cancel.png',
      'multi': true

..from jquery.uploadify: setting the pagepath to nothing...

var f="&pagepath=";

I have tried using a relative path, as well as an absolute path, for
teh "script" parameter, but nothing has worked...Any insight would be
much appreciated...

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