Hi all,
I've got a list of about 13 images which I want to scroll horizontally using Jan's excellent jCarousel. I want it to auto-scroll three at a time, same as the example on his site:


However, when I set up my list and use it's ID to jCarousel, like the one in the example:

    auto: 3,
    wrap: "last"

It doesn't move automatically. If I allow the buttons to remain in place then I can use those to scroll left and right, but never automatically.

This is on a site using jQuery and I've tried it with the script included in the jC download. Any suggestions?

The site in question is still under development so I can't show where it is, unfortunately. If I had more time I'd put a small testcase together but alas, I'm running a little short on that commodity at the mo.

Thanks for any help offered!

Michael Price

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