It's taken me a little while, but I believe I have finally succumbed
to the power and wonder that is... JQuery.  I have been bouncing from
framework to framework for about 9 months, much of that time devoted
to building my own.  I was on the cusp of giving in to ExtJS at one
point, but in the end, the fancy widgets weren't a compelling enough
force to make me commit.  As my own framework continued to evolve (and
be rewritten) my objectives became clearer, and one of those
objectives was developing a way to deal with the dom in a terse-as-
possible way - you know, keep subclassing or funneling the code until
it would take a line or 2 to manage complex widgets.  Given another 2
or 22 years, I think my system would have been very close to JQuery.

That said, I am still a JQuery super-newbie, and although code is
starting to happen and I'm starting to get the "magic", I'm having a
problem with some basic stuff.  Forgive me if this is not in the
proper section.

When I attempt to use the resizeable or draggable classes in
jquery.ui, I run into errors.  When using draggable, I get a
"this.helper.offsetParent is not a function". message.  For resizeable
I get...
   this.element.position is not a function
[Break on this error] var o = this.options, iniPos =
this.element.position(), el =this.element,

I'm trying to drag and/or resize a simple div (whether it's created on
the fly or in the html) all I do is add the dot-draggable() to the
object and I get the error message (in FF).  The cursor does change to
the appropriate states (for resizeable) and obviously, from the error
messages, I've made it into the code that should be doing the dragging
and resizing.

Can you explain what's going on?  Any help is very much appreciated.
And also, thank you for creating a brilliant piece of code.  I am
hoping it will become my framework of choice for a long time to come.

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