Hi.  I'm relatively new to JQGrid, and I'm trying to create my first
grid that is loaded based on what the user chooses in a select box.
I've gotten it working for the first option that they choose.
However, after the grid is populated, I cannot get the data to change
by selecting a different option in the select box.  The call to the
server side program is passing the same parameters each time.  So, I
was looking into changing the parameter with .setGridParam().  I found
an example on the JQGrid Demonstration page called "Search Big Sets"
that is sort of related to what I'm trying to do.  It has a function
called gridReload that it calls onclick of the submit button.  I set
it to be executed onchange of my select box.  Here is what my version
of it looks like

function gridReload()
  var customer = $(this).val();

"results" is the id of the table.  However, an error occurs that

$("#results").setGridParam is not a function

I'm currently at JQGrid version 3.4.1.  Does anyone know what might be
causing this?


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