I have been trying to get a grid as a subgrid to work for about a week now. When I click the plus sign in a row, I can see (via firebug) that the code relative to the subgrid gets run, but the server program doesn't. It's like it never calls the server-side program. If someone could take a look at my code to see what's wrong with it, I would appreciate it.
$(document).ready(function() { var columnNames = ['Warehouse','Quantity','Value']; var columnModel = [ {name:'id', resizable:false, index:'id', width:50, align:'center', sortable:false}, {name:'quantity', resizable:false, index:'quantity', width:90, align:'center', sortable:false}, {name:'value', resizable:false, index:'value', align:'center', width:55, sortable:false}]; var gridwidth = $('.tableContainer').width(); gridwidth = gridwidth-40; $(”#results”).jqGrid( { url: “RINVINQ2″, datatype: “json”, mtype: 'GET', colNames: columnNames, colModel: columnModel, //pager: jQuery('#pager2'), rowNum: 50, rowList: [10,20,50,100], imgpath: “../javascript/JQGrid/themes/sand/images”, viewrecords: true, caption: “Inventory Status By Division”, width: gridwidth, height: '300px', subGrid: true, subGridRowExpanded: function(subgrid_id, row_id) { var subgrid_table_id; subgrid_table_id = subgrid_id+”_t”; jQuery(”#”+subgrid_id).html(”<table id='”+subgrid_table_id+”' class='scroll'></table>”); jQuery(”#”+subgrid_table_id).jqGrid( { url:”RINVINQ3?id=”+row_id, datatype: “json”, //mtype: GET, colNames: ['Customer','Quantity','Amount','Last Release Date'], colModel: [ {name:"customer",index:"customer",width: 80,key:true}, {name:"quantity",index:"quantity",width: 130}, {name:"amount",index:"amount",width: 80,align:"right"}, {name:"lastReleaseDate",index:"lastReleaseDate",width: 80,align:"right"} ], height: 100, width: gridwidth, rowNum: 20, imgpath: “../javascript/JQGrid/themes/sand/ images”, }); }, loadComplete: function() { $('#cb').prev().remove(); if($(”#results”).getGridParam(”records”)==0) { $('#noResults').dialog(”open”); } else { var page = $('#results').getGridParam(”page”); var records = $('#results').getGridParam (”records”); var recordsPP = $('#results').getGridParam (”rowNum”); var x = records/recordsPP; var returnArray = []; if(x < page) { iterLimit = records%recordsPP; } else { iterLimit = recordsPP; } for(var i=1; i<=iterLimit; i++) { $('#'+i).children('td:first').next ().addClass('link').css(”cursor”,”pointer”).css(”color”,”blue”).css (”text-decoration”,”underline”); var ord = $('#'+i).children ('td:first').next().text(); $('#'+i).children('td:first').next().click (function() { ord = $(this).text(); window.location.href = “inv0004? productGroup=”+ord; }); //returnArray = orderList.find(ord); var truefalse = typeof returnArray; if(truefalse != 'boolean') { $('#results').setSelection(i); } } } }, shrinkToFit: true, jsonReader : { root: “rows”, page: “page”, total: “total”, records: “records”, repeatitems : false, subgrid: { root:”rows”, repeatitems: true, cell:”cell” } } }); });