I am looking to implement JQuery toggle into a RW theme. Currently I
am using Mootools to do this but I would like to use JQuesry because
it seems to cause less conflict with 3rd party plug-ins.

Currently here is how I have things set up:

1. In my master "index.html" file I have a line that references the
mootools file like so:
<script type="text/javascript" src="%pathto(js/mootools.v1.11.js)%"></

2. Then in the body if the html I have :
<div id="drop_down"><!-- Start drop_down -->
                <a href="#" title="Show more content" id="show_sidebar"></a>
                        </div><!-- End drop_down -->

This invokes the drop down effect of the sidebar when you click on the
"Sidebar" button.

How should I go about getting JQuery to do the same thing?


BTW: The website I am referring to is http://www.rapidweaverthemes.com

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