I'm having an issue using an asmx web service to return json to a
jQuery ajax call. If I run the web service stand alone i get a nice
json response as follows:


I'm using the DataContractJsonSerializer in .NET to create this json.

When I call this web service from a $.ajax call I can't get at the
values of the json object and i notice in firebug that the response is
now :


Here is my jQuery call:

          url: '/webservices/WebService2.asmx/HelloWorldJson',
          dataType: 'json',
          type: 'post',
          error: function(req, textStatus, errorThrown){alert('error
loading response: ' + textStatus);
             beforeSend: function(xhr){
          success: function (d) {
          //var customers = eval("(" + d + ")");

but i can never get at the values of the json object that is returned
for some reason. What am i doing wrong?

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