Hi everyone.

I'm a bit of a noob, so please excuse the question!

I have a site I'm building that loads a lot of other html files into
different divs, depending on buttons you press. Pretty basic stuff...

Anyways, I can't seem to get Jeditable and a few other jquery
functions to happen in any of these loaded divs.

I'm sure this an easy fix for you all!

in each file I'm loading, I include the correct jquery-1.3.2.min.js
and other js files needed. Firebug shows them loaded correctly.

But when I have the script:
        $('.edit').editable('http://www.example.com/save.php', {
         indicator : 'Saving...',
         tooltip   : 'Click to edit...'

(I know I didn't update the post php file yet. I'm waiting for it to
actually load first)

and in the body of the html/php: echo "<DIV id=\"bio\" class=\"edit\">

It does not ever work.

Thanks so much for your help! I worked for a while on this, and
googled A LOT before posting this. I feel like such an idiot!

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