I need to make sure that 1 field os less than the other so I am using the dependency callback feature and it's working but I cannot get an error message to display - anyone get this to work?
Here is my code: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#AddPartner").validate({ rules: { GlobalDiscount: { required: function(element) { if ($("#GlobalDiscount").val() <= 20) { alert('passed'); return true } else { alert('falied'); return false } if ($("#GlobalDiscount").val() <= $ ("#ComissionSplit").val()) { alert('passed'); return true } else { alert('falied'); return false } } }, ComissionSplit: { required: function(element) { if ($("#ComissionSplit").val() <= 20) { alert('passed'); return true } else { alert('falied'); return false } } } }, messages: { ComissionSplit: { dependency: "Comission plit must be less than 20" }, GlobalDiscount: { dependency: "Global Discount must be less than your Comission Split" } } }); });