...part of a hover() function. Whew. SO, I'll post the code tomorrow
(I'm not at work right now). Basically, I am animating a little tab
rising and falling upon mouse rollover. I'm comfortable with hover()
and its dual function firing (mouseon and mouseoff {miyagi-like
there...]) and I wouldn't have this question exept for one catch. The
image inside the tab changes uopn mouseover and mouseoff as well.
Basically, inside of a hover() 4 things are happening:

1. mouseover occurs: background image of the tab changes (simple)

>2: the tab moves up 10 px over a .2 sec period ----i use animate to reduce the 
>padding-top of the element (works perfectly).

>3:mouseoff occurs (second part of hover() fires) animate is used again to 
>inrease the top-padding of the tab by 10px, putting it back down (works 
>perfectly)..here comes the problem...

>4: I want the background image to change back to the original state, and with 
>the same code i used in 1. it works, but it changes BEFORE the animation 
>completes, even when the statement is called after the part >3 event. It just 
>happens faster than the 200 ms animated drop. I tried wrapping the image swap 
>inside a setTimeout() but got really inconsistent results.

HOW, then can i tell this command to wait until the animation is
finished? I don't believe I have a call back function left inside of
my animate() which fires on mouseout. Is a queue the answer? I'll post
the actual code tommorow, just wanted to sign up today and see if
anyone had tried this already...

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