Hi folks,

I'm new to this list and I hope I can find someone to assist. I am
using the Sliding Panel WordPress plugin by Justin Tadlock, found
here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/sliding-panel

Through Justin's forums, he helped me to implement a feature of this
plugin where after a user logs in, the sliding panel remains open so
the user sees whatever content is underneath. The problem I am
experiencing is that when a user closes this panel, and then hits
another page on the site, the panel pops open again. I am trying to
limit this open panel effect to only happen once, right after the user
logs in.

I have a lead that maybe the jQuery Cookie plugin could help, but I
have absolutely no experience with jQuery.

I wonder if anyone here would be interested in having a look at this
and if there is a solution?

The code used in the plugin is:

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

        function() {

                $j ( '#sliding-panel .toggle a.open' ).show();
                $j ( '.loggedin #sliding-panel .toggle a.open' ).hide
                $j ( '#sliding-panel .toggle a.close' ).hide();
                $j ( '.loggedin #sliding-panel .toggle a.close' ).show

                $j ( '#sliding-panel .open' ).click(
                        function() {
                                $j ( '#sliding-
panel .panel' ).slideDown( 'slow' );
                                $j ( '#sliding-panel .tab' ).addClass
( 'current' );

                $j ( '#sliding-panel .close' ).click(
                        function() {
                                $j ( '#sliding-panel .panel' ).slideUp
( 'slow' );
                                $j ( '#sliding-
panel .tab' ).removeClass( 'current' );

                $j ( '#sliding-panel .toggle a.close' ).click(
                        function () {
                                $j ( '#sliding-panel .toggle
a.close' ).hide();
                                $j ( '#sliding-panel .toggle
a.open' ).show();

                $j ( '#sliding-panel .toggle a.open' ).click(
                        function () {
                                $j ( '#sliding-panel .toggle
a.open' ).hide();
                                $j ( '#sliding-panel .toggle
a.close' ).show();


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