Hello everybody... I searched this group, but no solution for me in the first view... ;(
So... what I need is a way to organize large mediawiki-pages with the possibility to show/hide section-contents. The pages are organized in an absolut flat structure something like <h1>..</h1> sections are organized through ":header" [<p>..</p>|<ul>..</ul>|<ol>..</ol>|<pre>..</pre>|<dl>..</dl>]* <h1>..</h1> and so on... This is what I have so far // Some initial hiding and unhiding... All sections are hidden, all :header(s) are visible... // Possibility to SHOW_ALL HIDE_ALL [..] $( ":header" ).click( function(){ $( this ).nextAll($(this)).not(":header").slideToggle(); return false; } ); So, this makes it possible to slideToggle() the current section and the following... What I want is, that only the current section is hidden/visible... Does anyone know of some techniques to select the range (I know there is something called slice(start, end)) from the first <h1> to the following one?? Greetz Andi