Inspired by EaseBox and Highslide, I made this plugin

It's still very much in alpha and tested only in Firefox

* loads large image upon click
* can provide own loading HTML as an option
* loads the images offscreen to determine their dimensions.
* If image is larger than viewport it will scale it down
* if image is smaller than viewport it puts it to 100%.
* provides callbacks for onzoom and onunzoom - allowing users to
dimscreen etc if they would like
* supports easing, if required.

Problems :
* main problem so far is that I haven't been able to get it work
without absolutely positioning the images which is a bit of a shame.
* there's a funny wiggle on the top left image when it finishes

All in all I'm trying to keep it very simple and extensible (hence why
I extract dimscreen out and use callbacks instead). It would be nice
to provide a flexible way to give a background template to the zoom
image (e.g. white border or shadow).

BTW: the image of the keyboard is a bit jerky when it moves - this is
because it's a *very* large image.

Any feedback much appreciated.



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