
I just started work with jQuery just recently, and I'm beginning to
love it. I'm a Prototype convert, and I love the increased power of

New to it though, I'm running into some trouble already. I'm trying to
flip between different background images, with CSS set initially to
the BODY tag. The goal is to produce a "slideshow" in the background
of page.

I cannot for the life figure of why this code isn't changing the
background image of the BODY tag. I'm beginning to think it's a DOM
limitation of some sort, but in case I am overlooking something, I
thought I would post it here:

$(document).ready(function() {
        $("body").animate( { backgroundImage:"url(/images/test-backgrounds/
china_chinese_chinglish_1432992_o.jpg)"}, 1000 )
                .animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000)
                .animate( { backgroundImage:"url(/images/test-backgrounds/
google_scifoo_camp_291462_o.jpg)"}, 1000 )

What I think this should be doing is setting the background,
"pausing" (what I am using the opacity call for), and then changing
the image.

Again, any help is most welcome. Thank you very much in advance.

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