Hello everyone,

I am quite new to jquery but love its ease of use! I have all the
basic functions down pat, although I am struggling with the load()
function, what appears to be quite simple is very puzzling to me.

To provide an example of what I am trying to accomplish via jQuery can
be found here, jyte.com the main vote buttons. A user can toggle his/
her votes as many times as they want. When the user clicks on the vote
button on the right, a css class is added to that button. When the
vote button is clicked on the left, a css class is added to that
button. This is all done via the .click() function. Also on click() I
am calling an ajax request (I should not I am not actually loading
anything into the page, but the ajax request is working, but only for
that single button. As soon as I change the class of the button, I can
no longer click on that, even though I have specified ANOTHER function
in jQuery specifically for that class I just added.

I have searched the group so far and I have found a little bit about
adding a new .click() to your added class. Although this means that if
I want to let the user change the votes as many times as they want, I
would need to right the .click() function 100 times over to allow the
user to click on it again!

Could someone please point me in the correct direction or offer some
advice? Thank you, I appreciate your time.


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