Sorry for the slightly off topic post, but I know there are some AIR devs on this list and someone might have a tip for me.

I'm planning an Adobe AIR app that will be written with HTML/jQuery and needs to do offline sync (using SQLite db on AIR side, mysql on server side and json web services). IE: an online user must be able to sync their SQLite db from the server, disconnect, modify records, then reconnect and sync back to the server, with any conflicts (due to someone else changing the same record since they last got it) raised so that we can notify the user and offer a conflict resolution dialog.

I've googled around a bunch, but am not finding much (about best practices, or opensource code to help me along, or 3rd party products to help). We have experience doing sync in other projects, just not in AIR, so are doing some fishing.

If anyone has some links, advice, etc, thanks in advance!

- Jack

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