
I think i have a problem of understanding in what order the nodes get into the DOM.

I have a select that is bound to different Text-Converter which is present within all content input areas in our little CMS. I integrated the markItUp! Editor successfully at least (thanks Jay for the hints). Fortunately there are Text-Converter Plug-Ins available yet which fits perfectly with the parsing options we afford.

So i of course must take action on every 'onchange' of the select to load at least the 'set.js' of the appropriate set and insert it into the DOM to make them available. This is what i want to achive described within the example below (excerpt,- the 'onload' handling of page skipped).

But everytime i select an option firebug gives me a 'mySettings are not defined'. So it seems the dynamically generated script tag are 'too late'.

Anyone has a hint what i do wrong?

bye and thanks in advance

/* Example start here */


// Foremost Mozilla browser only
jQuery('#simple_page_text_converter option').click(function() {
        var t = jQuery(this).text().toLowerCase();

        var s=document.createElement('script');
s.setAttribute('src','../static/libs/thirdparty/markitup/sets/' + t + '/set.js');


/* Example ends here */

Olaf Gleba : creatics media.systems
tel. +49 (0)212 38 32 94 30 : fax. +49 (0)212 38 32 94 31
[EMAIL PROTECTED] : http://www.creatics.de

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