I wrote this jquery to basically dynamically build a paging control
for long articles, etc....
I have it dynamically generating a UL, a page selector and a drop
selector and I just need to write a piece that will do a <-Prev and
Next -> and my brain is having trouble with it. Here is the code in
simplified form. I also don't have the coding for the contect
highlighting done yet to show what page we are on.

<div id="headerUL"><!--UL goes here--></div>
<div id="page1" class="page" title="Section 1">This is Page 1</div>
<div id="page2" class="page" title="Section 2">This is Page 2</div>
<div id="page3" class="page" title="Section 3">This is Page 3</div>
<div id="page4" class="page" title="Section 4">This is Page 4</div>
<div id="prev"><!--This will be the Prev Link--></div>
<div id="PageNum"><!-- Page Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4--></div>
<div id="next"><!--This will be the Next Link--></div>
<div id="DropDown"><!--Drop down box--></div>
Here is the Jquery I have that generates it. I just need some help
getting Prev and Next done.
//Let's get the # of pages.
var numPages = $(".page").length;
var pageNums= "";
var prev = "", next="";
var i = 1;
var lister = "<UL id=pageUL>";
var selector = "<select id=pageSelect>";
$(".page").each(function(i) {
pageNums+= "<a href=# id="+this.id+" class=pageids>"+(i+1)+",</
lister+="<LI><a href=#  class=pageLI>"+$("#"+this.id).attr('title')
selector+="<option class=pageSE value="+$("#"+this.id).attr('title')

//Add the Click events
$(".pageids").live("click", function(){

                        var ht = $(this).html()
                        var ht = $(this).text();
//Set the values

Thanks in advance.

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