I believe I have found a bug in IE8; it's possible that it's something
jQuery is doing, but I really doubt it.  I'm only cross-posting this
here in the hopes that someone can suggest a workaround, because I
have tried everything I can think of.

A code sample is available here:

The issue I'm seeing is that changing the contents of a table cell in
IE8 randomly causes the width of the td element to change.  In the
code sample above, I'm using toggle and replacing the content with an
input element, but I have tried using just a click handler and
inserting something as simple as another string of text.  In every
combination of styles and script I have tried, I'm still able to get
IE8 to randomly change the width of td elements when their contents
change.  I have tried using jQuery to force the td width back to the
correct value, but that doesn't seem to do anything.

(Of course, the code behaves fine in both Firefox and Chrome.)

So, anyone have any suggestions on what to try?  Any help at all would
be greatly appreciated since I'm basically out of ideas.

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