I have a Flash movie inside of a standard HTML page with text. When a
user hits command+A to select something in the textfield of the Flash
movie, it selects all the text from the HTML part of the page as well.
Really annoying.

I can detect the command+A with the following code, just can't prevent
it from selecting the HTML part. Any ideas?

Pastebin: http://pastie.caboo.se/162497

       // Command+A in FF/Mac only triggers a keyup on the A.
       $('#buildermovie').bind('keyup', function (e) {
         if (e.which == 65 && e.metaKey) {
           console.log(e, e.metaKey);console.log("Try to cancel
select-all"); // This gets triggered.
           //var t =
setTimeout("$('#header-login').trigger('click');console.log('click');", 20);
           return false;


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