Hi All,

I have a function with jcarousel but for some reason, I just can not
get the text to show below my images in the Container.

One guy helped me with various options but as you can see below, I am
still stuck.

Any help ?

I have now added the function as follows in the head and tried the
following two lines at three different places but still no luck. The
errors seems to have gone away now , but I do not see the Bla.

div = $("<div style='display:none'>blah</div>");

1) I have put the two lines in the function but no luck,
2) I have put the two lines in the fuction below the Return HTML Get
Element but no luck.
3) I have put it in its own javascript tags below the declaration of
the div as it is but no luck.

This is the function now in the head. You can see my code source

I have also made the image smaller just in case the text is behind

<script type="text/javascript">

whatever(); {

().left, top:$(this).offset().top+$(this).height()});






<div id="wrap" align="center">

<script type="text/javascript">

div = $("<div style='display:none'>blah</div>");


  <ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-ie7">
    <!-- The content will be dynamically loaded in here -->



ANy more help will be apreciated.


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