I am having trouble getting this piece of code to work correctly in Chrome.
It works just fine in in IE7, IE8, and FF. Watching the Chrome javascript
console doesn't reveal anything useful.

I manually checked each value in the if statements, and they are all coming
back true.

The textbox is not created or changed using javascript so I shouldn't need
to use .live.

$('#textbox').bind('keyup focus blur', function() {
if(LiveSaver.enabled === true && ((new Date()).getTime() -
LiveSaver.lastSave) > LiveSaver.saveThreshold) {

LiveSaver.lastSave = (new Date()).getTime();

if($('#' + element).val() != LiveSaver.data[LiveSaver.page][element]) {
LiveSaver.add(element, $('#' + element).val());

-- Caleb

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