I recently just picked up jQuery and am really astonished with it, but
I've found the selectors api a bit lacking because you cannot select
text nodes; that's not the end of the world as there are ways around
that in some situations. I've run into another road block, and if you
knowledgeable guys could spare some time to answer my question here
please do so. I have some experience with XPath, so hopefully some of
you people will have some experience with it as well as it'll form the
basis of my question.

Say I used an XPath query like so:


>From what I can read I'm able to do most of it up until the point
where I have to check to see if the child div has more than a single
image as jQuery doesn't have an equivalent of count. Is there a way to
select div elements with a class of 'img' that has more than one img
element as a child?

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