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Karl Rudd

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 7:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hey, Here's an outline of what I'm trying to accomplish:
>  1) Clone one div into another...maintaining events (works)
>  2) Append that html into a div (works)
>  3) Run a search and replace on the new contents (works)
>  4) Keep the events (doesn't work)
>  Here's the code i'm using:
>             $('.codex-relational-anchor').bind('click',function(){
>                 //If the button is clicked for the first time, clear
>  the divs contents
>                 if(iter == 0)
>                     $('.codex-relational-
>  form').slideUp('fast').empty();
>                 //Clone the contents of .manytomany-hidden along with
>  their events into .codex-relational-form
>                 $('.manytomany-hidden .relational-form-
>  extra').clone(true).appendTo(".codex-relational-
>  form").parent().slideDown('fast');
>                 var html = $('.codex-relational-form').html();
>                 html = html.replace(/\{num\}/g,iter);
>                 $('.codex-relational-form').html(html);
>                 iter++;
>                 return false;
>             });
>  If I comment out the string replacements, then the events remain.

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