Added as:  Ticket #2362 (new enhancement)

PS: how to heck do you add the [TreeView] to the post title? I entered
it and it just vanished.....

On Feb 18, 2:26 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sozzi schrieb:
> > Hi Joern,
> > A tinsy change in treeview allows for an "active" class to open the
> > tree:
> > under: switch(settings.persist) {
> > I just added:
> > case "active":
> >    var current = this.find(".cur_cat");
> >    if ( current.length ) {
> >            current.addClass("selected").parents("ul,
> > li").add( ).show();
> >    }
> > break;
> > That seems to do the trick. Unfortunately I don't quite know how to
> > pass the category name "cur_cat" into the options. But for me
> > hardcoded is OK right now.
> Could you file a ticket for that?
> Thanks
> Jörn

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