Your css is the problem :D

Missing the "." before the testing

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 15:14, J. Martin <> wrote:

> I am attempting to create a box with malsup's jQuery nested corners,
> but can't get it to display properly.
> Here's my CSS:
> testing { margin: 0; background: #ffc; padding: 10px; border:0; zoom:
> 1;}
> div.outer { float: left; margin: 15px; background: #c82; padding: 8px;
> width: 22em }
> My JS:
> $(function(){
>        $('.testing').corner("round 8px").parent().css('padding',
> '4px').corner("round 10px");
> });
> I'm using this as my test HTML:
> <div class="outer"><div class="testing"><h1>Round</h1><p>Testing</p></
> div></div>
> You can see my testing page at:
> The result of this is the the above code is that the background color
> the box becomes color of the outer div, #c82. The internal border is
> not displayed. What is my error?

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