Your best bet are inline rules, using the class and other attributes.
All demos make heavy use of that:

As long as you keep rules inline, you can make your form as dynamic as
you like, the validation plugin handles that. Just the form itself
must be static.


On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 11:05 PM, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jorn and all,
> I had a question about the validation plugin. I'm hoping to integrate
> the plugin into a page where I am also using the treeview plugin to
> display a dynamic JSON form. Essentially the form's shape is
> completely dynamic, so I use livequery to add/remove elements. If I
> want to validate dynamically created elements, is livequery the way to
> go? I'll try and give an example:
> Person + - id='person' name='person'
>    name: matt + - id='' name=''
> the +- buttons for Person would create a new Person with an empty name
> underneath it. The +- buttons for name would simply create a new name
> under the same Person with the id/name being[0] for the
> original and[1] for the new name. Currently I use
> livequery to bind events/functions to these newly created elements. If
> I have a validation rule or method I want to assign to all names, what
> would be the best way to do this with your plugin?
> I hope this example is clear, if now please let me know and I'll try
> to be more specific or give a better example. Thank you very much.,
> Matt

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