Hi Rey,

Thanks so much for posting this. Not only did it get onto the front
page of DZone, but it made it into the popular list of URLs on
del.icio.us this afternoon.

For anyone who does not use DZone, I definately encourage you to check
out this community. As of recent, I think it is the only "voting"
community that has such a wide range of development topics that are of
interest to programmers and designers. The topics have helped me to
broaden my awareness on several issues relevant to our field that do
not make it to the forefront on other social bookmarking and decision
making sites.


On Jul 29, 9:04 pm, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Continuing on the DZone path, community member Brian Reindel has an
> entry on the site about his "5 JavaScript Tricks Made Easy with jQuery".
> Some of you may have seen his email about this just the other day but
> its truly important to support our community by voting his post up. Keep
> in mind that some folks don't participate on the mailing list but may
> see Brian's entry on DZone. Lets make sure he gets support for his great
> blog posting!
> http://www.dzone.com/links/5_javascript_tricks_made_easy_with_jquery....

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