
I made a few modifications to the version 1.2 of the plugin to fix
1- if a passwords contains one of the common word (for example
test=89, 12345bs, etc...) it gets a bad score
2- replaced the regexp for special characters with \W, as this will
match more of the possible special characters in passwords...
3- added a regexp to test if the password doesn't contain chains of
more than 3 identical alphanumeric: aaa, bbb, 1111, etc... (remove 10
4- test that we don't have the more than 3 consecutive letters (this
avoids putting a full dictionary of common words) (remove 5 points)
5- test that we have approximatively the same numbers of letter,
numerics and special characters in the password. (add 7 points)

I tagged it version 1.3, but then... It's here:

I'll remove it from my site if it's integrated with digitalspaghetti


On Sep 24, 8:33 am, David Duymelinck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've started using thepasswordstrngth plugin and there were 2 things i
> noticed right away
> - There is one string hard coded : The minimum number of characters is.
> This makes it hard to internationalize.
> - There is a possibility to add weak passwords but it's too specific.
> For example 123456 is a badpasswordbut 1234567, 12345678 are
> considered good. Another example it's allowed to add an all spacespassword. 
> Wouldn't it be possible to trim thepasswordbefore it's
> checked and is it possible  to consider consecutive number or letters as
> a badpasswordby default?
> Otherwise i think this is a great plugin, so keep up the good work.
> --
> David Duymelinck
> ________________

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