Could you post a sample page showing your code? Nothing in jQuery
should touch any other objects.

On Jan 28, 4:40 pm, Emili Calonge <> wrote:
> I have some old jsp pages with bad coding, where I created javascript
> arrays in the jsp code, so in the end I've got an html page with lots
> of script tags where I add values to a Javascript array. I know it's a
> really ugly way of doing things, but that's the only way I thought of
> at the time. Now (since I switched to 1.3) I've seen that none of
> those pages are working due to a strange behavior.
> When I trigger a function that uses any of those arrays, nothing
> happens, so I've been debuging and I've seen that all the arrays are
> empty. If I put a breakpoint where the elements are inserted (during
> page construction) everything works fine, but whenever the $().ready()
> method is called, all the elements on those arrays disappear. I don't
> know if that's a bug or just some behavior I don't know about, but
> everything worked fine before I switched to JQuery 1.3.
> I'd like to avoid redoing the code because that's a lot of work, so
> maybe someone can point me what's going on.
> Thanks a lot.

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