Use the "livequery" plugin.  It's absolutely beautiful.

On Jan 5, 3:26 pm, Rob <> wrote:
> Thanks Brian,
> At the moment I'm using basically the simplest implementation of the
> plugin.  I'm using inline rules, so I don't have to worry about the
> brackets yet.  I do understand the event delegation, I had thought
> that calling $("#form").validate() again after inserting the elements
> would do the trick, but no such luck.
> Rob
> On Jan 5, 1:12 pm, brian <> wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Rob <> wrote:
> > > Hi Jörn or anyone else familiar with this plugin,
> > > First off, thanks for the great validation plugin.  I hope I do not
> > > impose too much with this question.
> > > I have a dynamic form with fields named using brackets ([]).
> > See this 
> > note:
> > > Validation is working for fields that existed on the initial page
> > > load, but when I add append the code for a new field, the validation
> > > events are, of course, not attached to the new DOM elements.  What's
> > > the best way to accomplish this?
> > Make sure you understand event delegation. There's some info in the
> > docs. Basically, you need to ensure that any newly-created elements
> > are bound to event handlers. You can either bind them when they are
> > added or bind the container and findthe specific element in your event
> > handler by getting
> > Though, I've no idea how to do this with the Validation plugin, 
> > specifically.

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