Hi there,

I'm not sure if there is a plugin defineing exatcly the behaviour you need.
You can check it here: http://plugins.jquery.com/.
Nevertheless it's easy to implement such behaviour with jQuery.
First of all you need to make a html code that will present a single link
with picture. Make it looking exactly as you want. Mind that html structure
should be easy to traverse with jQuery (like ul, ol).
Next step is to put more links with pictures for them in a way that only one
is visible, first for example.
At the end write some js. The code should be run at the document load event.
What you need it to grab your links (<a>) and bind on them an event hover.
When you bind an event you pass a callback function which will be fired when
the event occures. Your callback function sholud hide an image that is
visible and show the image related to the link beeing hovered.
That's it!
God-speed :)

2008/4/22 vneal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi there, hope you can help.
> I'm looking for some javascript to create the same sort of effect the
> bbc.co.uk site has, when you roll over one of the news articles, the
> image changes. Is there anything in jquery js that does this? I'm a
> complete newbie to js i'm not sure where to start looking.
> Or, and forgive me if this is a very stupid question, but i can see
> that the code they have used is
> <script type="text/javascript">
>        var newsBoxImages = [
>                {
>                        'alt' : "Harvesting switchgrass (Image: Jerry
> Roitsch)"
>                ,       'src' : "
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/feedengine/homepage/images/news/
> _44339803_bailing203roitsch_index_146x110.jpg<http://www.bbc.co.uk/feedengine/homepage/images/news/_44339803_bailing203roitsch_index_146x110.jpg>
> "
>                }
>                , {
>                        'alt' : "Laptop, Science Photo Library"
>                        , 'src' : "
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/feedengine/homepage/images/news/
> _44366715_laptop203i_146x110.jpg<http://www.bbc.co.uk/feedengine/homepage/images/news/_44366715_laptop203i_146x110.jpg>
> "
>                }
>        ];
>        </script>
> would it be a case of dropping this js into my page and changing the
> image paths to point at my own?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.


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