
Not totally sure what you're trying to do but  try the $.one() event
handler instead of click()

in your case replace click() with one()


- Chris

On Mar 7, 2:39 am, Patrick J Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey All,
> I'm trying to dynamically add a list of check boxes (and an associated
> click event
> handler) to my page.  Problem is, when I click on a box, the event is
> fired multiple times (once per checkbox on the page).  I don't really
> understand this behaviour - the event should only fire once.  I would
> graciously appreciate any suggestions you may have.
> Regards
> Patrick
> Code snippit :
> <script type="text/javascript">
> $(function() {
> $.ajax({
>     type: "GET",
>     url: "./?get=Lignes",
>     dataType: "xml",
>     cache: false,
>     success: function(xml){
> $(xml).find("Lignes").each(function() {
> var line = $(this);
> $("#filters")
> .append("<input type='checkbox' value=" + line.attr("ID") + ">")
> .click(function() {
> $("#map").append("wtf??").append("<br/>"); return false;})
> .append(line.attr("Nom")).append("<br/>");
> });
> }
> });
> });
> </script>

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