You can make a cross site call if the server knows how to speak JSONP. Remy Sharp (no relation) had a great blog post about this a while back:


On Oct 22, 2008, at 6:17 PM, RWF wrote:
in the docs: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax#options

it says:
As of jQuery 1.2, you can load JSON data located on another domain if
you specify a JSONP callback, which can be done like so: "myurl?
callback=?". jQuery automatically replaces the ? with the correct
method name to call, calling your specified callback. Or, if you set
the dataType to "jsonp" a callback will be automatically added to your
Ajax request.

Is there an example of this?  This makes it sound like I can make a
cross site request to a webservice that returns a JSON object and
jquery will handle the rest.

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