Ouch rather annoyingly googlegroups ate my reply!..

Erik thanks,
I got a friend to test on FF2 on Mac OS X and he had no problems, are
you on the same platform? I think possibly it's a FF Windows issue.

To clarify this problem ive done a couple of new examples.

Top table is unmodified, bottom one has is jqueried, however in FF2
Win ( here, not tested on 1/1.5) it does not correctly render
the border on the td's/th's within the tbody (though the classnames
are correctly applied).

This works on FF2 (with Firebug). I've applied the 'fix' console.log($


On Jul 17, 12:37 pm, "Erik Beeson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure what problem you're having. The pages appear to render
> identically in FF and Safari... What about it do you think isn't
> working right?
> In looking through the generated source in firebug, it appears that
> all of your classes are getting added to the correct elements...
> Actually, upon closer inspection, there is a small 1px white line
> between the column headers in FF that isn't in Safari, but it isn't
> bad, and is probably the result of a rendering difference between the
> browsers, not a jQuery issue.
> --Erik
> On 7/16/07, Will Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Not sure if this is a bug or not, but Firefox seems not to properly
> > apply a series of class names.
> > Here's the example
> >http://www.logicbox.net/jquery/pricetable/short-css.html
> > with a 'console.log' to fix the firefox rendering.
> >http://www.logicbox.net/jquery/pricetable/short-css-firefox-fix.html
> > Thinking that this might be to with specificity I did a version with
> > more verbose CSS.
> >http://www.logicbox.net/jquery/pricetable/verbose-css.html
> >http://www.logicbox.net/jquery/pricetable/verbose-css-firefox-fix.html
> > Again the same problem crops up in Firefox. They all work fine in
> > IE6/7, Safari 3beta etc.
> > Very odd, any ideas? This one's been annoying me for a while now!
> > Thanks,
> > Will

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