awesome tutorial thanks!

On Oct 22, 1:37 pm, AdrianMG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ey Shawn thanks for your feedback! I am not quiet sure now, but I
> think I have used
> # var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
> # var menuHeight = document.getElementById("menu").clientHeight;
> Because Internet Explorer give me some problems with the real width &
> height available.
> I will change some lines, thanks for your comments one more time!
> On 22 oct, 08:19, Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Not a bad tutorial.  !
> > But... :)
> > In your code you are doing things like
> > # var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;  
> > # var menuHeight = document.getElementById("menu").clientHeight;
> > You can use jQuery here too:
> > var windowHeight = $(window).height();
> > var menuHeight = $("#menu").height();
> > at line 158 you have the following:
> > # var liList = $("#lateralPanel li").get();  
> > #     for (var i = 0, item; item = liList[i]; i++) {  
> > #         if(item.innerHTML == $(this).text())  
> > #             item.className = "active";  
> > #         else  
> > #             item.className = "";  
> > #     }  
> > I believe this can be replaced with:
> > $("#lateralPanel li").removeClass("active");
> > $(this).addClass("active");
> > - that will remove the active class from all the list items, then add it to
> > the target element that triggered the click event (the function that
> > surrounds the snippet above).
> > Also, you have code in there that handles browser differences.  jQuery 
> > handles
> > most of this for you.  For instance:
> > $("#myObj").height(100);  
> > handles the differences between most browsers.  Which makes your code even
> > easier to read.
> > Otherwise not a bad start.  Keep em coming. :)
> > Shawn
> > On Tuesday 21 October 2008 16:03:48 AdrianMG wrote:
> > > In this tut we will create a professional interface for your web
> > > applications using the killer javascript library jQuery :)
> > > I hope you can use it for your personal projects guys. Feedback is
> > > welcome!
> > >
> > >applications-using-jquery/

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