event driven programs can't usually rely on the order they might run.
but in the case they both handle the same event or predictable event sequence, 
you may have handler for one event [conditionally] trigger the other event or 
even invoke it's handler directly.

just my thought :) .

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 00:56, Dr Stevens <daverstev...@gmail.com> wrote:

Is it acceptable to assume that Event Handlers are excecuted in the
order they are bound?  I just wanted to hear what peoples thoughts
were on this.  Lets say I have two plugins which both bind an event
handler to the form submit event.  In order for them to co-exist, one
of the event handlers would need to execute first.  In other languages
and platforms I would consider making this kind of assumption to be
bad practice.  I would think the ideal thing to do would be to support
callbacks (or better yet, custom events) similar to the validate

I'd love to hear peoples thoughts on this.


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