Just wanted to do a quick followup -- by putting the
select change binding BELOW the body binding, I got
this code to work, but I'm still interested in knowing
if there's a way to bind two different things to the
body element (click versus change versus whatever).

Anyone know?


--- Kim Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Quite awhile back, Karl pointed out to me the
> fantastic article about event binding for ajax. I've
> since implemented the following function 
> $('body').click(function(e) {
>  if ($(e.target).is('img.closebutton')) {
>       var attribute = "close";
>       buttons($(e.target), attribute);
>  }
> (snip)
> where "buttons" handles things. Everything on the
> page
> that needed to be handled was an image or text
> click,
> so this solution worked fine.
> However, now I have a dropdown I need to integrate
> onto the page, and I need to handle the dropdown's
> change event (I have 100% working code for the
> dropdown on a different page on the site which
> doesn't
> have this body.click code). I tried putting
> body.change(function(e) etc above the body.click
> function, but it appears the event is being caught
> by
> body.click due to the initial clicking of the
> dropdown. 
> Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)
> thanks,
> -kim
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